The St. Louis Vacancy Collaborative

The Vacancy Collaborative is a coalition of partners committed to the reduction of vacant property as a top priority in St. Louis.

Reducing the negative impact of vacancy is a complex puzzle that requires coordination to achieve a shared vision.

The VC is not a stand-alone entity, but a coalition of community representatives, private and non-profit stakeholders, and City agencies. The VC helps to coordinate existing vacancy efforts under one umbrella and encourages the public and private sectors to work together toward solutions in a comprehensive and coordinated way.


The Vacancy Collaborative structure includes two committees and cross sector working groups that coordinate closely:

  • Vacancy Advisory Committee (VAC): a community-oriented committee made of up private, non-profit, and community members who represent a variety of viewpoints and expertise. The VAC provides input to VacancyStat and works on private-side responses to vacancy. 

  • VacancyStat: a committee made up of City agencies setting priorities for the City’s efforts to combat vacancy.

  • Cross-Sector Working Groups: groups that advance priority areas and tackle specific projects related to community input and the Vacancy Collaborative’s action plans. These working groups are informed by the six priority issue areas shown below.

Upcoming Working Group Meetings:

The coordination of the Vacancy Collaborative has been made possible in part by the generous support of Missouri Foundation for Health and the Missouri Department of Conservation.